• Australia, vendite al dettaglio in salita meno del previsto

    (Teleborsa) - Sale meno del previsto il commercio al dettaglio australiano. Nel mese di novembre, le vendite al dettaglio sono aumentate dello 0,2% a rispetto al mese precedente. Il dato...

  • Il rinascimento della psichedelia

    L’elezione a sorpresa di Donald Trump ha oscurato una notizia dagli Stati Uniti che in un altro momento sarebbe stata di primo piano: la legalizzazione della cannabis per uso medico in Florida e Arkansas e di quella per uso ricreativo in Nevada, Massachusetts e California, il primo stato degli Stati ...

  • 2016 in review: Panama Papers scandal turns popular sentiment against governments worldwide

    Globalization, the path that the world economy has largely followed for decades, took some hefty blows in 2016.The election of Donald Trump as U.S. president and Britain's decision to leave the European Union have raised questions over the future of tariff-free trade and companies' freedom to move production to lower-cost ...

  • Revellers to honour late celebrities in 2016 'era of chaos'

    As 2016 draws to a close, many are bidding a weary adieu to a year of political surprises, prolonged conflicts, refugees and deaths of some famous people. A look at how people around the world are preparing to usher in the new year:AUSTRALIAAfter a year that saw the deaths of ...

  • AP EXPLAINS: What is Boxing Day and how did it get its name?

    In Britain and other countries like Australia and Canada, the day after Christmas is a secular national holiday known as Boxing Day. Here's a brief look at some theories about how the holiday got its name and how people celebrate it:NO NEED FOR BOXING GLOVESWhile no one seems to know ...

  • Asiana Airlines Introduce Its 6th Airbus 380

    Asiana Airlines introduced its sixth Airbus 380 as part of an effort to strengthen its competitiveness in long-range services. Asiana announced on December 23 that it introduced the new Airbus 380 featuring 12 first class seats, 66 business class seats, and 417 economy class seats. The air carrier introduced its ...

  • Whakatane boat builder scoops award for Australia's best aluminium boat of the year

    Whakatane's Surtees Boats has scooped a major award with its 700 Game Fisher model being named Australia's Greatest Aluminium Boat by Australian media outlet Trade-a-Boat.Surtees Boats - one of New Zealand's largest production boat...

  • Less than 3 per cent of Syrian refugees resettled in rich countries: Oxfam

    Source: Oxfam Country: Australia, Canada, Egypt, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, WorldOxfam reviewed the resettlement policies of eight countries – Australia, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the ...

  • CERF: Donors pledge US$273 million to support urgent aid

    Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Country: WorldIn the past two years, about 70 per cent of CERF’s funding has been allocated (or targeted) to humanitarian operations that support displaced people and the communities hosting them. (New York, 13 December 2016): Today the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) ...

  • K.K.R.-Linked Group Bids for Tatts of Australia, Imperiling Tabcorp Deal

    Investors are seeing a potential bidding war over a company that runs a lottery business and betting on horse racing and sports matches.

  • Boom is over, prepare for the bust

    AUSTRALIA, we’re about to stop building. If you thought the mining boom going bust was bad for our economy, the construction bust is going to be huge.

  • Asian allies’ envoys urge Trump to drop opposition to TPP

    U.S.-allied Asian ambassadors are urging President-elect Donald Trump to reconsider his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement and keep the U.S. engaged in Asia. Ambassadors from Australia, South Korean and Singapore made the appeal at a Washington think tank Tuesday. The Obama administration championed the trade pact, which was ...

  • Armed police posing for pictures causes stir

    Police have taken to social media to hit back at criticism of armed officers posing for pictures with members of the public at a Christmas market in the UK. This criticism came shortly after photos were uploaded showing policemen taking pictures with the general public while on patrol. The photo caused outrage ...

  • Trans-Tasman ski weekend flights to boost Queenstown economy

    Virgin Australia and Air New Zealand will now fly in and out of Queenstown Airport late at night during the winter ski season.

  • Editorial: Voter enfranchisement and disenfranchisement

    The issue that the Nationalist Party has with the way in which those who have purchased Maltese citizenship are being enfranchised to vote is not so much an Opposition issue as it is a national issue that should affect each and every one of us to the core.The right to ...

  • Australia strikes deal with Greens on taxing foreign workers

    Australia’s conservative government struck a deal with a minor party on Thursday on a tax rate aimed at encouraging foreign travelers to pick fruit on the nation’s farms. The government and the left-wing Greens party reached a compromise on how much vacationers should be taxed on income earned picking farm ...

  • Woolies’ new weapon in grocery war

    THE battle for Australia’s $90 billion grocery market is fiercer than ever. Woolworths is betting on a new partnership to help give it an edge.

  • Hanegbi in Australia paving way for PM visit

    "My meeting with the foreign minister included a number of central issues, including the prime minister's visit, the efforts of the coalition against ISIS in Mosul that includes Australia."

  • After the turkey, some hit the shops to start holiday season

    After enjoying the Thanksgiving turkey, some Americans hit the stores for what retailers hope will be a new tradition to start the holiday shopping season.Throngs of shoppers lined up at Macy's Herald Square in Manhattan for its evening opening, looking for deals, and Target estimated hundreds were waiting outside a ...

  • IBM settles with Australia over failure of online census

    Global technology giant IBM carried most of the blame for the crash of Australia’s online census three months ago and has compensated the government for the financial cost of the debacle, the prime minister said on Friday. Australia’s first attempt to conduct a census online shut down for 43 hours ...

  • Moda & Accessori

    L'Australia "calza" Made in Italy

    Il Made in Italy va forte anche in Australia, uno dei Paesi - almeno geograficamente - più complicati da raggiungere per le nostre produzioni. Recentemente la Colmar Brunton, agenzia internazionale che produce ricerche di mercato, ha presentato i risultati di una indagine volta ad evidenziare quali siano i settori maggiormente interessanti ...