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— Ernesto Che Guevara
Let the world change you and you can change the world.
— Ernesto Che Guevara
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In October 2021, Argentina's government announced a 90-day price freeze on some 1,500 mass consumer products. The measure sought to curb inflation and met with resistance from business sectors. And this Wednesday, January 12, the Argentinean government announced the renewal of the previous measure, known ...
La ONG Bitcoin Argentina denunció por estafa, captación de ahorro público no autorizado y manipulación del mercado a Generación Zoe; funcionarios de Jujuy y San Juan desmienten que el holding tenga minas de oro en esas provincias y desde el grupo cambiaron su versión
Del Reino Unido a la Argentina, el formato que era exclusivo de melómanos tiene cada vez más llegada entre los jóvenes
El primer gobierno de Rosas fue el entorno político social que vio aparecer los provocativos textos de la autora que luchaba por los derechos de las mujeres
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - An average taxpayer in Argentina works approximately half a year to pay taxes. The effective tax burden reaches up to 48% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and will increase in 2022. Meanwhile, the number of Argentines who took out tax residency in Uruguay tripled ...
Il webinar "Vendere con l’E-Commerce in America Latina: i Principali Marketplace" si terrà il 28 gennaio alle ore 10:30 organizzato da IMIT. Pur non attraversando un periodo di stabilità economica, politica e sociale, l'America Latina resta una delle destinazioni dell’export italiano con maggiori potenzialità non del tutto sfruttate. Molto diverse sono le ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Everything indicates that when Alberto Fernandez arrives in Beijing next February 4, Argentina will not have closed the debt agreement with the IMF yet. However, the President will launch from Beijing a powerful geopolitical signal that will irritate the United States: the photo with his ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina received this Friday, January 7, the pro tempore presidency of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) during the plenary session of the twenty-second meeting of foreign ministers of this integrationist mechanism, held in Buenos Aires. The Foreign Minister . . . ...
Representantes de Juntos por el Cambio cuestionaron el nuevo rol de la Argentina; dijeron que es un retroceso en materia de derechos humanos y que complica la negociación con el FMI
Las dudas del mercado tras los anuncios de Alberto Fernández y Martín Guzmán sobre las tratativas por la deuda pública con el organismo financiero internacional
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that the Government of Alberto Fernandez will reiterate its claim to the United Kingdom, in case the integrity of declassified files on the sending of ships with 31 nuclear weapons to the Malvinas Islands during the 1982 war ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine economy grew 10% in 2021, double what was predicted by consulting firms, according to the latest report of the Public Policy Observatory of the National University of Avellaneda (UNDAV). "With the first period of take-off in the last four years, the economy in ...
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries reported the suspension, until the end of 2023, of the export of seven meat cuts to guarantee the supply of the domestic market. Resolutions 301/21 and 302/21 were published this Monday in the Official Gazette and detail that ...
Com a participação de 10,82% das micro e pequenas empresas (MPE) nas exportações brasileiras, o estado do Rio de Janeiro repetiu em 2020, o terceiro lugar ocupado entre os que mais exportam no Brasil. Na frente estão São Paulo e Minas Gerais. No ano anterior, o volume tinha atingido 12,49%. O ...
Panettoni, pandori, vino e spumante: il Made in Italy è il protagonista delle cene natalizie oltreoceano. In America Latina, dove i consumi pro capite di vino e panettone sono tra i più elevati, non mancano le opportunità per l’export italiano. Il panettone, è risaputo, è uno dei dolci natalizi più conosciuti ...
Un repaso por el número de enfermos actuales, curados y fallecidos en el distrito de la provincia de Santiago del Estero según los datos abiertos del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación