Vai alla Scheda Paese »There is not a single day, even tomorrow the sun will shine.
— Angolan proverb
There is not a single day, even tomorrow the sun will shine.
— Angolan proverb
[ANGOP] Luanda -- The Head of State, João Lourenço, has expressed Angola´s interest in seeing more Spanish businesspeople invest in the Angolan market in the framework of the diversification of the country's economy.
The governor of the National Bank of Angola (BNA) estimated today that the Angolan economy will grow by 3.3% in 2023, with inflation possibly reaching single digits and ending the year at 9%. José de Lima Massano presented the forecasts after the 109th meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (CPM), ...
Em entrevista à agência Lusa, o secretário de Estado para as Finanças e Tesouro angolano, Ottoniel dos Santos, falou sobre a necessidade de continuar a fazer uma “gestão criteriosa” da dívida face às incertezas do mercado. The post Petróleo já não serve de colateral no financiamento de Angola com a China, ...
[ANGOP] Luanda -- The minister of Economy and Planning, Mário Caetano João, recommended Wednesday in Luanda the new Chairman of the Special Economic Zone (ZEE) Board of Directors to create programmes to attract more agricultural investors in the special area.
O investimento chinês em Angola mais do que duplicou desde 2020, com uma melhoria também nas trocas comerciais, refletindo uma relação “consistente” e que vai ser revitalizada com a visita do ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros chinês ao país.
China will disburse US$249 million to finance a national broadband project in Angola, within the scope of a financing agreement signed this Wednesday, in Luanda, between both governments. The Angolan finance minister, Vera Daves, and the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Gong Tao, were the signatories of this agreement, which foresees ...
Os Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa justificam o aumento com o alto custo do crude no mercado internacional, provocado pelo conflito entre a Rússia e Ucrânia. Exceção para Angola que não sobe e para Cabo Verde que até desce.
A economia angolana regista um crescimento acumulado de 3,4% ao longo do ano, colocando boas perspetivas para terminar o ano de 2022, o segundo fora da recessão, com uma expansão acima de 3%, em linha com os 3,3 previstos pelo Governo.
Augusto da Silva Tomás, antigo ministro angolano das Finanças e dos Transportes, vai ser libertado, de acordo com um acórdão a que o Semanário Novo teve acesso. O Tribunal Supremo de Angola concedeu a liberdade condicional ao ex-governante, considerando que este já cumpriu mais de metade da pena.
By Mario Baptista The financial rating agency Fitch Ratings warned today that there are eight countries in sub-Saharan Africa with public debt payments in 2023 that represent a quarter of foreign reserves, including Angola, Mozambique and Cape Verde. "For the eight countries that reported reserves individually over the last six months, ...
Segundo Vera Daves, Angola está a analisar com o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) e o Banco Mundial (BM) as “possíveis” medidas de mitigação do impacto social, porque as “preocupações mantêm-se” relativamente ao potencial impacto social da remoção dos subsídios aos combustíveis, que têm um preço muito baixo e não reflete ...
By Pedro Mbinza The Angolan Government is working on the implementation of the country's diamond exchange, with a view to improving the trade of the miner and increasing revenue collection, reiterated this week the Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas. Diamantino Azevedo, who was speaking after taking office on ...
[ANGOP] Luanda -- Angolan President João Lourenço defended a greater commitment of US private investment in the country, as part of the existing strategic partnership, focusing on the diversification of the economy and the industrialisation of Angola.
EDP, a Portuguese energy group whose biggest shareholder is China Three Gorges, will finance nine projects promoting access to renewable energy in Mozambique, Nigeria, Angola, and Malawi. In a statement, EDP says that the total funding of one million euros, guaranteed by the A2E Fund (Access to Energy), will have ...
The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) of Angola admitted today that the amnesty law proposed by the Government could take around 2,000 prisoners, 10% of the prison population, out of jails and lead to the shelving of several cases. Helder Pitta Gróz was speaking in Luanda on the sidelines ...
African Peace Magazine has described as a resounding the success of the International Energy, Oil and Gas Summit 2022 held at the prestigious Intercontinental Hotel in Luanda, Angola on the October 22. The organisers also expressed gratitude to the Nigerian Embassy in Angola, the Angolan Embassy in Nigeria and ...
O contrato tem um prazo inicial previsto de 30 anos e prevê um investimento total de 450 milhões de dólares (451,8 milhões de euros), dos quais 166 milhões de dólares em infraestruturas e 70 milhões em material circulante.
Portugal's economy minister said Wednesday that imports and exports between Angola and Portugal have increased by around 50 percent this year compared to last year and acknowledged that cooperation should be "continuously expanded." João Neves, who is on a working visit to Luanda, noted that economic cooperation between Angola and ...
Attracting more Angolan companies and investors to Portugal, which may be a gateway to Europe, is the common aim of the two countries, which intend to revive the creation of the Portugal-Angola Investment Observatory. The intention was expressed by the Secretary of State for the Economy, João Neves, after a ...
President Ruto's Kenya Kwanza administration must focus on init must begin with public finance management reform in order to get its policy promises to work.
[ANGOP] Caungula -- Lunda Norte governor Deolinda Satula Vilarinho on Tuesday called on national and foreign entrepreneurs to invest in agri-business, taking advantage of business opportunities that the agriculture sector offers in the eastern region, with potential in tuber and grain production.