Vai alla Scheda Paese »Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
— Madre Teresa di Calcutta
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.
— Madre Teresa di Calcutta
Opposition leader Raila Odinga yesterday said Jubilee wants election laws weakened because "President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto have sensed defeat and panicked." Raila told the Star in an interview said the opposition's decision to join forces in the National Super Alliance, NASA, against Jubilee has sent shock ...
Che paese è l’Iran, inteso come economia? Qualche indizio è venuto da un’esposizione delle attività produttive iraniane alla Fiera di Roma. Un “Iran Expo”: evento inusuale, perché fino a meno di un anno fa il paese mediorientale era sotto pesanti sanzioni internazionali. Tra i padiglioni fieristici colpiva sentire tanti operatori ...
Belgium enjoyed an eight-goal rout in World Cup qualifying on Sunday, and Cristiano Ronaldo managed just two — and missed a penalty — as Portugal also won.Belgium, which beat Estonia 8-1, and Switzerland extended their perfect starts to join Germany as the only European teams with four straight wins on ...
(Teleborsa) - "La Turchia è uno dei nostri primi partner commerciali, e Logitrans l'evento fieristico di settore più importante per chi guarda a quel mercato", afferma Zeno...
Inaugura la ventesima edizione di Paris Photo. Nel 2015 l’edizione della grande fiera parigina dedicata alla fotografia fu interrotta bruscamente a causa degli attentati del 13 novembre. Quest’anno gli organizzatori vogliono celebrare in grande stile la ventesima edizione del salone, confidando su un mercato sempre più florido.
Il 10 novembre inaugura la ventesima edizione di ParisPhoto. Nel 2015 l’edizione della grande fiera parigina dedicata alla fotografia fu interrotta bruscamente a causa degli attentati del 13 novembre. Quest’anno gli organizzatori vogliono celebrare in grande stile la ventesima edizione del salone, confidando su un mercato sempre più florido.
The prospect of a Donald Trump presidency unnerves businesspeople and economists who see him as a reckless novice who might disrupt trade and imperil the struggling global economy.Financial markets tumbled Wednesday as Trump claimed victory after a campaign marked by fiery anti-foreign rhetoric and promises to tear up trade deals, ...
Une voiture blanche de marque Hyundai, la Tucson, est sortie avant-hier des chaînes de montage de l’usine baséedans la zone industrielle de Zaaroura, à Tiaret, en présence du président du groupe Tahkout Manufacturing Company (TMC), Mahieddine Tahkout, et des autorités locales, dont le wali de Tiaret, Abdeslam Bentouati. Une visite ...
A full, three-hour long debate in the House on Thursday about the Budget vote for the Foreign Ministry did not tackle, except fleetingly, the elephant in the Chamber: Malta is the only EU country not in the anti-Isis coalition.According to the US State Department, the participants in the coalition are ...
The Opposition walked out of Parliament this afternoon as Minsiter-without-portfolio Konrad Mizzi took the floor to speak in the debate on the financial estimates of the Office of the Prime Minister, which include the energy portfolio. PN Whip David Agius said the Opposition was walking out because it did not ...
The three ‘defence officials’ who perished in this morning’s plane crash along with two civilian contractors were members of the DGSE – France’s equivalent of the CIA and MI5. The DGSE, which stands for General Directorate for External Security, is France’s external intelligence agency and falls under the French Ministry ...
Former Labour minister Joe Debono Grech failed to declare any income from his consultancy job at the Ministry for Gozo for the past two years, Times of Malta has learnt. According to his income tax returns for 2014 and 2015, that were obtained by this newspaper, in terms of the income ...
Bucarest ospitera' il 19 ottobre la conferenza "La nuova strategia di internazionalizzazione. Confindustria nei Balcani e nell'Est Europa, Sfide, opportunità e prospettive", in occasione dell'Assemblea Generale di Confindustria Balcani, che riunisce le sezioni di Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia e Albania. L'evento, al quale prenderà parte il presidente di Confindustria ...
Donald Trump dismissed his predatory remarks about groping women as “locker room talk,” and took a swipe at Hillary Clinton’s husband Bill over past sexual misconduct in a fiery second US presidential debate on Sunday. The Democrat Hillary Clinton, facing a deeply wounded candidate with one month to go before ...
Le prix Nobel d’économie, qui sera décerné demain, récompense de plus en plus des chercheurs en finance, matière qui peut être vue comme éloignée des idéaux philanthropiques du Suédois Alfred Nobel. S’ils persistent dans cette voie, les jurés pourraient cette année distinguer Douglas Diamond et Philip Dybvig pour leur travail ...
Opposition chief Raila Odinga and his “Dream Team" have stepped up the offensive against Jubilee and pitched the theme of economic exclusion and sabotage of non-supporters. They also have planned a hectic schedule of activities for the former Prime Minister in his presidential bid. The ODM squad led by ...
ON AUGUST 31ST 1910 Theodore Roosevelt delivered a fiery speech in Osawatomie, Kansas. The former president celebrated America’s extraordinary new commercial power but also gave warning that America’s industrial economy had been taken over by a handful of corporate giants that were generating unparalleled wealth for a small number of ...
In one of my visits to Brussels in 2011, I had gone to the NATO headquarters and witnessed a Turkish diplomat saluting members of the Albanian delegation in Turkish. I was told that they were graduates of Fethullah Gülen schools in Albania
Day traders in Tokyo are famous for their love of technology companies, new listings and volatility. So many expect fireworks when messaging app Line Corp., the biggest tech initial public offering of the year, makes its Japan trading debut on Friday. Accounting for about a fifth of the nation’s daily ...
(Teleborsa) - Farnboroug, il più grande Airshow del mondo, 50 esima edizione. Una vera e propria Fiera internazionale di sette giorni dell'industria aeronautica e spaziale che si tiene ogni due...
Undici arresti a Milano nell’ambito di un’inchiesta su mafia e appalti per l’Expo. L’indagine della direzione distrettuale antimafia di Milano riguarda reati tributari, riciclaggio e associazione per delinquere con l’aggravante della finalità mafiosa. Gli arrestati controllavano alcune aziende a cui erano stati affidati appalti per l’Expo, tra cui i padiglioni ...