Vai alla Scheda Paese »My son ask for thyself another kingdom, for that which I leave is too small for thee.
— Philip II of Macedon
My son ask for thyself another kingdom, for that which I leave is too small for thee.
— Philip II of Macedon
Nel gennaio 2020 è stata adottata in Macedonia del Nord la Legge sugli Investimenti Strategici, che prevede incentivi e sussidi statali per progetti di investimenti ritenuti di importanza strategica per il Paese. Recentemente e’ stato inoltrato un invito per la presentazione dei progetti, con scadenza prevista per il 31 gennaio ...
Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia to launch own border-free travel and business zone amid frustration with Brussels
La Macedonia del Nord è un Paese piccolo ma fortemente attraente per gli investitori esteri, in virtù dei numerosi vantaggi competitivi di cui gode: dalla stabilità del quadro economico, alla presenza di una fiscalità incentivante per le aziende straniere sino alla disponibilità di manodopera qualificata...
Nonostante le limitazioni imposte dalle misure di contrasto al coronavirus, si è tenuta anche quest’anno la settimana di promozione dei prodotti alimentari e vini italiani in Macedonia del Nord per iniziativa dell’Ufficio ICE di Skopie, in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata e con una delle maggiori...
Prima di concludere la missione a Skopje e proseguire per Pristina, il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale, Luigi Di Maio, ha incontrato anche il Presidente del Governo, Oliver Spasovski, al quale ha confermato che la Macedonia del Nord è un partner importante nei Balcani...
Turkish tourists were the highest spending foreign tourists in the Greek border regions of East Macedonia and Thrace in the first three quarters of 2019, according to the Bank of Greece data.
Il Direttore Generale Vignali ha incontrato alla Farnesina il Ministro per la Diaspora della Macedonia del Nord Edemi, il primo a rivestire questa carica dall’indipendenza del Paese nel 1991. Il Direttore ha raccontato l’esperienza del Ministero rispetto alla numerosissima comunità italiana all’estero,...
THE IMAM of Germany’s largest mosque (pictured) is struggling to fill it. It holds 1,200 worshippers, cost €20m ($22.8m) and was opened last September to much fanfare in Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, the German state with the biggest concentration of Muslims. But only a few dozen elderly men attend his Sunday ...
Il ministro della Difesa greco Panos Kammenos, partner di minoranza del governo, si è dimesso. Da sempre contrario all'accordo raggiunto con la Macedonia sull'annoso problema del...
Pope Francis plans to visit Bulgaria and Macedonia from May, the Vatican spokesman, Greg Burke, said on Thursday. Francis is scheduled to visit Sofia and Rakovski in Bulgaria during May 5-7 and Skopje in Macedonia on May 7, a statement said. The trip is set to be the pontiff’s fourth ...
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has resigned on Oct. 17, the government said, in a cabinet dispute over the country's controversial name deal with North Macedonia.
Nel giugno 2019 inizieranno i negoziati di adesione della Macedonia e dell’Albania all’Unione Europea. È questo il compromesso raggiunto dopo un serrato braccio di ferro tra alcuni Stati membri che hanno osteggiato questa decisione e molti altri che invece avrebbero voluto iniziare il dialogo da subito. L’allargamento ad est è ...
Dal 17 al 23 maggio si e' svolta a Skopje la XVIII rassegna cinematografica di film italiani, organizzata dall'Ambasciata (con la collaborazione di alcuni sponsor locali) e da quest'anno ribattezzata "Settimana del Cinema italiano" in linea con l'iniziativa della Farnesina "Fare Cinema - I Mestieri del...
A 44-year-old man from Floriana has been charged with stalking, violently attacking and raping a woman who wanted to break off her relationship with him.The man, the court was told, did not want to end the affair. Both parties were in relationships with other persons at the time. Inspectors John ...
The 12th edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival opens today. Twelve writers from nine countries are reading at the festival, which also features Maltese and foreign poetry films, live music by jazz alternative Maltese musicians, a book stall, a book-binding stand by Kotba Calleja, drinks, and a selection of food provided ...
Twelve writers from different countries will read at the 12th edition of the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival, which opens on Thursday. Event organisers Inizjamed said the festival would also feature Maltese and foreign poetry, films, music and a well-stocked book stall. A book-binding service will be available for those with a manuscript ...
Eight authors from across the globe will be travelling to Malta for this year's edition of the Mediterranean Literature Festival. The event will kick off on Thursday 24 August and will go on until Saturday 26 August.The festival this year is in its 12th edition and will be held at ...
In its desperate attempt to divert attention from the very grave accusations the Prime Minister and his Government is facing, the Labour Party has launched a concerted attack on my integrity and on a foreign investor. The Labour media and its exponents, including the Prime Minister himself, launched the attack ...
Source: UN Children's Fund Country: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, WorldIn 2016, nearly 5,000 family reunification requests, 700 from unaccompanied and separated children, were made from Greece, with only 1,107 applicants reaching their destination country by the end of the year.NEW YORK / GENEVA, ...
Macedonia’s rival political parties traded blame Friday for an eruption of violence in the unstable Balkan country’s parliament which left scores of people injured. The chaos in Skopje broke out on Thursday evening, with dozens of nationalist demonstrators — including a group of masked men — breaking a police cordon ...
Source: Oxfam Country: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Serbia, Syrian Arab Republic, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, WorldViolence, brutality and unlawful treatment by authorities on the Western Balkans route are a frequent occurrence, claim refugees and migrants in a new report. Exposed: Abuse of migrants by state officials on Europe’s borders Violence, ...