Brasil Investment Forum Experience

dal   21-03-2022  al  21-03-2022
Tipologia: Convegni
Focus: Brasile
Dove: Milano
Luogo: Jenny Avvocati Studio Legale Associato
Orario:  dalle   08:30   alle   17:30

L’evento “Brasil Investment Forum Experience” si terrà il 21 marzo dalle ore 08:30.

Brasil Investment Forum Experience: le migliori opportunità di investimento in energia e infrastrutture in Brasile presentate direttamente dalle principali autorità brasiliane.


Brazil is the seventh largest producer of energy on the planet (615,350 GW/h) and third largest producer of renewable energy (459,463 GW/h) – still there is room for its energy base to grow 11% by 2029. The value represents 24.34% of the current Italian installed capacity. Find out how to participate in this market and get to know details about the upcoming energy generation and transmission auctions, in a controlled and free market. We will also present the opportunities on the nascent hydrogen market, offshore wind and capitalization of Eletrobrás.


Find out about the next assets already in the auction stage that will be offered in 2022 and 2023: concession of railways, highways, airports, port terminals, as well as the positive impact on foreign investors of the New Legal Framework for Sanitation and the New Legal Framework for Railways.


Learn more about the ways to finance your project in Brazil with the main player and structuring company in the country, BNDES. Discover the main information needed and understand the role of Brazilian institutions in the investment process and how we can help.

Participate and get to see presentations and strategic information, with the main projections, trends, opportunities and success stories. We also offer high-level networking and meetings with Brazilian authorities and experts in the energy and infrastructure sectors.

Register here.

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