Exploring Opportunities for Italian companies in Latin America

Exploring Opportunities for Italian companies in Latin America

dal   04-03-2021  al  04-03-2021
Tipologia: Convegni
Dove: Online
Luogo: Webinar
Orario:  dalle   15:00:00   alle   17:40:00
Sito: https://bit.ly/3rd9B7W

Il giorno 4 Marzo dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 17:40 si terrà l’evento “Exploring Opportunities for Italian companies in Latin America“.

CAF Latin America e CDP nell’ambito della loro collaborazione, terranno l’evento “Exploring Opportunities for Italian companies in Latin America”  al fine di supportare i processi di sviluppo sostenibile in America Latina e accompagnare la crescita nella regione delle imprese italiane attraverso nuove opportunità d’investimento.

Il programma per l’evento prevede quanto segue:

14:45 – 15:00 Registration

15:00 – 15:15 Opening Remarks
José A. García Belaunde, Representative in Europe, CAF
Gabriel Felpeto, Vice-president of Finance and CFO, CAF
Antonella Baldino, Head of International Development Cooperation, CDP

15:15 – 15:25 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Remarks
Michele Pala, Director for Latin America and de Caribbean

15:25 – 17:05 CAF´s overview
• Economic Review of Latin America
Adriana Arreaza, Director of Microeconomic Research, CAF
• Business opportunities: green and climate change sectors
Jorge Concha, Director of Analysis and Technical Evaluation of Sustainable Development, CAF
• Business opportunities: PPP Programs in the Region.
Antonio Silveira, Vice-president of Infrastructure, CAF

17:05 – 17:35 CDP´s overview
• The new partnership between CAF and CDP and the arising opportunities for Italian companies
Giulio Dal Magro, Head of Development Financing, CDP
• CDP as an entry point for Italian companies in Latin America
Sergio Silva Barradas, Head of Commercial Planning and Control, CDP

17:35 – 17:40 Closing Remarks
• Gloria Gamero, Director of Institutional Finance, CAF
• Antonella Baldino, Head of International Development Cooperation, CDP

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