A new EU policy towards the neighbourhood in a changing strategic environment

A new EU policy towards the neighbourhood in a changing strategic environment

dal   14-07-2015  al  14-07-2015
Tipologia: Convegni
Focus: Italia

Evento organizzato da IAI- Istituto Affari Internazionali- sulla politica di vicinato Europea e i suoi sviluppi futuri.


Simon Mordue, Director ‘Enlargement Policy and Strategy’ in the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations,

Emma Bonino, Former Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-chair ECFR,

Alberto Cutillo, Principal Director for European Integration in the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation,

Marta Dassù, Editor-in-Chief of Aspenia,

Lia Quartapelle, Italian Deputy, Secretary to the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs 

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